The Story Behind Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam - Part 2

(Oscar nominated animator, Cordell Barker, animates on Post-it Notes from his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba) This is Part 2 of……
(Oscar nominated animator, Cordell Barker, animates on Post-it Notes from his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba) This is Part 2 of……
(Me animating my segment in Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam) In 2007 my short animation, Yellow Sticky Notes, was……
(Oscar nominated animator, Cordell Barker, animates on Post-it Notes from his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba) This is Part 2 of a previous……
After a great film festival run of over 50 international film festivals, a theatrical run in Toronto, and some great reviews, Yellow……
With the online release of my short animation Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam I am including this blog post with artist statements……
(Janet Perlman animating on the cabin porch in the Quebec countryside near Bolton-Est, Quebec) With the upcoming internet launch……
(Howie Shia - animating his sequence in Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam) With the upcoming internet launch of my 2013 animated……
(Lillian Chan - animating her sequence in Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam) With the upcoming internet launch of my 2013 animated……
(Malcolm Sutherland - Drawing and playing around with Post-it Notes in his studio) With the upcoming internet launch of my 2013 animated……
(Paul Driessen drawing on some Post-it Notes on his wall of animation art at his home in Montreal, Quebec) With the upcoming internet……
(Gli animatori vincitori dell'Oscar David Fine ed Alison Snowden - moglie e marito - mentre realizzano, seduti sulle rocce, le animazioni……
(Oscar winning animators and husband and wife, David Fine and Alison Snowden, on the rocks, animating on sticky notes for Yellow……
(Il leggendario regista d'animazione, Marv Newland, mentre crea le sue animazioni su foglietti per gli appunti per la realizzazione……
(Legendary animation filmmaker, Marv Newland, animating on sticky notes for Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anjiam,) With the upcoming……
(Me animating my segment in Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam) In 2007 my short animation, Yellow Sticky Notes, was garnering……
I'm taking a bit of a break in between my blog series where I'm answering student questions (part 3 and 4 of Ask Jeff is coming up……
(The Australian Centre for Moving Images - home of the 2013 Melbourne International Animation Festival) I attended the……
(Parliament of Canada building in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) I just got back from this year's Ottawa International Animation Festival……
On September 12, SPARK Animation 2013 held an Anijam Celebration honouring the art of the Anijam! It was also the Vancouver premiere……
Малоизвестный факт, что я работал учителем анимации в средней школе. После……
It's a little known fact that I used to be a high school animation teacher. After attending the Emily Carr University of Art……