Ep: 5 Human Locomotion | Happy Harry's HuHa Two How Tos

Harry Partridge's take on how humans move.
Harry Partridge's take on how humans move.
Part 3 of Harry Partridge's 'How to Animate" series.
Here's the next round of Inktober Post-it Note drawings I've drawn over the last few days. I do at least one drawing a day.……
Many animation makers are currently working on different kinds of 3D animation movie and their first task of their work is to make……
L'altro giorno, cercando di ripulire il disco fisso del mio computer, mi sono imbattuto in una vecchia cartella di Yellow Sticky Notes.……
The other day while trying to clean up my hard drive on my computer, I came across an old Yellow Sticky Notes folder. Inside……
(Oscar nominated animator, Cordell Barker, animates on Post-it Notes from his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba) This is Part 2 of……
(Oscar nominated animator, Cordell Barker, animates on Post-it Notes from his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba) This is Part 2 of a previous……
After a great film festival run of over 50 international film festivals, a theatrical run in Toronto, and some great reviews, Yellow……
Roughly one year ago, I began playing around with new ways to tell a story through filmmaking. The evolution of all of these experiments……
(Il leggendario regista d'animazione, Marv Newland, mentre crea le sue animazioni su foglietti per gli appunti per la realizzazione……
(Legendary animation filmmaker, Marv Newland, animating on sticky notes for Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anjiam,) With the upcoming……
After Effects! It's good to see you again! It's been a while. So now that I have finalised the stories conclusion to my upcoming short……
The question "Can creativity be taught?" is one that has inspired a lot of debate. Some argue that creativity is something you are……
Here is part 2 of 4 of Ask Jeff...Questions from University Animation Students. Recently, I was asked by some fourth year animation……
(The Australian Centre for Moving Images - home of the 2013 Melbourne International Animation Festival) I attended the……
(Parliament of Canada building in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) I just got back from this year's Ottawa International Animation Festival……
On September 12, SPARK Animation 2013 held an Anijam Celebration honouring the art of the Anijam! It was also the Vancouver premiere……
Yesterday, I just wrapped shooting a corporate whiteboard animated video for 3M. It was a full 5-day shoot with 10 hour days. So……
I have been busy teaching a film course for children for the last few weeks, so I have not been able to put as much time into my film……
Where to SELL Your ‘60 seconds’ How to SELL in 60 Seconds – Part 2 How to advertise online, with stop-motion adverts.……
At 3:00am last night I finished rendering the last shot of the film. So after 6 weeks of animating I now have a rough edit of Shine.……
Just a quick update this week. Things have been progressing very well with the animation of Shine and I am about to begin animation……
As I mentioned in my last blog, I was just finishing off storyboarding for the film. Now that storyboarding is complete, I have jumped……
2012 was definitely a busy year here at Meditating Bunny Studio Inc. We had two independent productions on the go this year. The……
This post is all about the technical stuff involved in making my short stop motion hybrid animated film, Ode to a Post-it Note. ……
Recently, I was asked by a student studying animation at the Centre for Arts and Technology in Kelowna some questions about the animation……