Top 10 music movies

Top 10 music movies From wild-haired rockers to joyful bolero singers, films with or about celebrated musicians have played a key……
Top 10 music movies From wild-haired rockers to joyful bolero singers, films with or about celebrated musicians have played a key……
Goosebumps Director: Rob LettermanWriters: Darren Lemke, Scoot AlexanderStars: Jack Black, Dylan Minnette, Halston Sage, Odeya Rush,……
Men in Black 3 The film presents one of the most charmingly collaboration between the male cast. Collaboration Agent K (Tommy Lee……
Dark Places Libby Day (Charlize Theron) lives like a kite without a leash since he was 8 years old. 1985 was the death of her future……
Sponge Out of Water (2015) Producer: Mary ParentDirector: Paul TibbittScreenwriter: Jonathan Aibel, Glenn BergerActor and Actress:……
Justin & The Knights of Valour Producer: Antonio Banderas, Kerry Furton, Ralph KampDirector: Manuel SiciliaScreenwriter: Manuel……
THE SHAMAN (2015) . The Shaman, set to debut at the upcoming Tribeca Film Festival, picks up from there, and in an exclusive featurette,……
Kung Fu Hustle There is an opinion in some quarters that martial arts movies are violent. Many are, to be sure, but the best……
The Good Dinosaur Pixar is getting early indication that “The Good Dinosaur” could be an even bigger hit than its previous……
Tsutomu Miyazaki The Otaku Murderer or The Little Girl Murderer, was a Japanese serial killer, cannibal and necrophile who abducted……
Tsutomu Miyazaki The Otaku Murderer or The Little Girl Murderer, was a Japanese serial killer, cannibal and necrophile who……
Today i am going to tell you about another Web TV Channel "Documentaty". As you can see that Documentaty comes from a Word Documentary.……
What is a WebTV? WebTV is a Web devoted to showing audiovisual content; It is a promotional tool that lets you create your own……
Walter Elias "Walt" Disney was born at 2156 North Tripp Avenue in Chicago, Illinois on December 5, 1901 to a Irish-Canadian……
My last blog showcased some concept art from one of my first animated films, The Horror of Kindergarten. This time around, I……
While I was going through some old files on my computer, I found some old concept art from my 2001 animated short film, The Horror……
Having both a degree in Film Animation from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design and an Bachelor of Education from the University……
L'altro giorno, cercando di ripulire il disco fisso del mio computer, mi sono imbattuto in una vecchia cartella di Yellow Sticky Notes.……
The other day while trying to clean up my hard drive on my computer, I came across an old Yellow Sticky Notes folder. Inside……
(My Meditating Bunny Studio Inc. table at the 2014 Fan Expo Vancouver) This past weekend, I attended a comic book convention called……
(Oscar nominated animator, Cordell Barker, animates on Post-it Notes from his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba) This is Part 2 of……
(Oscar nominated animator, Cordell Barker, animates on Post-it Notes from his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba) This is Part 2 of a previous……
After a great film festival run of over 50 international film festivals, a theatrical run in Toronto, and some great reviews, Yellow……
For filmmakers, it's very important that they properly promote and publicize their films so people will be motivated and inspired……
With the online release of my short animation Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam I am including this blog post with artist statements……
(Janet Perlman animating on the cabin porch in the Quebec countryside near Bolton-Est, Quebec) With the upcoming internet launch……
(Howie Shia - animating his sequence in Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam) With the upcoming internet launch of my 2013 animated……
(Lillian Chan - animating her sequence in Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam) With the upcoming internet launch of my 2013 animated……
(Malcolm Sutherland - Drawing and playing around with Post-it Notes in his studio) With the upcoming internet launch of my 2013 animated……
(Paul Driessen drawing on some Post-it Notes on his wall of animation art at his home in Montreal, Quebec) With the upcoming internet……
(Oscar winning animators and husband and wife, David Fine and Alison Snowden, on the rocks, animating on sticky notes for Yellow……
I've decided that every week, I will try to post some of my Post-it Note sketches that I draw of cute creatures and animals……
I've decided that every week, I will try to post some of my Post-it Note sketches that I draw of cute creatures and animals……
(Il leggendario regista d'animazione, Marv Newland, mentre crea le sue animazioni su foglietti per gli appunti per la realizzazione……
(Legendary animation filmmaker, Marv Newland, animating on sticky notes for Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anjiam,) With the upcoming……
"Film Annex sta rivoluzionando il modo in cui i filmmaker distribuiscono e promuovono il loro lavoro. Durante i miei 15 anni di carriera……
"Film Annex is revolutionizing how filmmakers distribute and promote their work. During my 15 year filmmaking career, there has……
Recently I was pleasantly surprised when I received a package in the mail. When I opened the package, I realized it was a book……
Recently, I was asked by Daniel Smith, executive director, of the Flathead Lake International Cinemafest (FLIC) to program……
Late last year I discovered an iPad app developed by the National Film Board of Canada called McLaren's Workshop. The NFB has……
Like most of us, I always wonder where the previous year went when New Year's eve approaches. With 2014 upon us, I always like……
Recently, I was asked by some fourth year animation students attending the Emily Carr University of Art & Design in……
Recently, I was asked by some fourth year animation students attending the Emily Carr University of Art & Design in……
Recently, I was asked by some fourth year animation students attending the Emily Carr University of Art & Design in……
I'm taking a bit of a break in between my blog series where I'm answering student questions (part 3 and 4 of Ask Jeff is coming up……
Here is part 2 of 4 of Ask Jeff...Questions from University Animation Students. Recently, I was asked by some fourth year animation……
Recently, I was asked by some fourth year animation students attending the Emily Carr University of Art & Design in Vancouver,……
(The Australian Centre for Moving Images - home of the 2013 Melbourne International Animation Festival) I attended the……
تشہر کے تکمیل ہات ڈوکمنٹس پارت : 1 آف 2 اسٹرال میڈیا کینال ڈی اس سال ھات ڈوکمنٹس……
(Parliament of Canada building in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) I just got back from this year's Ottawa International Animation Festival……
فلم میکنگ اس چینح کی مانند اپنے جس کی ذریعہ ہم اپنا پیغام دنیا تک پہنچانا……
爱情是一个跨越时空的共同深论题,而爱情的五味杂陈是人类生命中一个不可避免的历程,要结束一段感情并不容易,即使是现代男女也有着许多恒久不变的烦恼与阻碍.... ……
Yesterday, I just wrapped shooting a corporate whiteboard animated video for 3M. It was a full 5-day shoot with 10 hour days. So……
愛情是一個跨越時空的共同深論題,而愛情的五味雜陳是人類生命中一個不可避免的歷程,要結束一段感情並不容易,即使是現代男女也有著許多恆久不變的煩惱與阻礙.... ……
کل مجھے معلوم ہوا کہ Quat Media نے میرے شارٹ فلم Yellow Sticky Notes کو لینے سے دستبرداری……
It's a little known fact that I used to be a high school animation teacher. After attending the Emily Carr University of Art……
I recently just got back from the Melbourne International Animation Festival in Australia. While there I presented a talk at……
3 ہفتہ قبل میرےدوست David Axelrod (جوکہ اوبامہ کےالیکشن مہم چلانےوالی نام سےالگ……
This is a continuation of Part 1 of 2 of Perfecting the Pitch – Hot Docs which you can read here. While at Hot……
This is part two of a two part blog series on my experiences using Film Annex as an online video-sharing platform. If you haven’t……
I just found out yesterday that my short film distributor, Ouat Media, decided they did not want to take on my latest short film Yellow……
As the owner of a small boutique animation production company, Meditating Bunny Studio Inc., I receive a steady stream of emails from……
This blog post is part three of three. In the last post, I wrote some advice on what to look for when choosing a private animation/film……
This blog post is part two of three and is a continuation of the first blog post on this subject of how to pick the right animation……
"Filmmaking is a shout to the world about what we want to say, we do not need more than the minimum technical resources, because if……
This three part blog post is written for anyone aspiring to become an animator, filmmaker, or video game artist and is interested……
Back in 2001, I graduated from the Vancouver, British Columbia based, Emily Carr University of Art and Design with a Bachelor of Media……
"I like the Buzz Score Film Annex uses because you can see right away that your social media networking is working with the rise in……
Animation is a hard thing to get right. It requires a lot of work and effort on the part of anyone who undertakes it. Stop motion……
Recently, I had the world premiere of my latest animated short film, Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam at the 2013 28th Santa……
"Film Annex is definitely the way for the independent filmmakers to promote their work and get rewarded for it. You can make your……
Jonathan Ng is an excellent example of someone who has gained the knowledge that the use of social media as a promotional tool can……
This blog post is a continuation of my last blog post, Yellow Sticky Notes – Part 3: Going Viral… After the launch……
This blog post is a continuation of my last blog post, Yellow Sticky Notes – Part 2: The Tribeca Film Festival. ……
When Yellow Sticky Notes had its World Premiere at the Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival in November 2007, the film won the 1st ever……
As I was creating my 2007 animated short film Yellow Sticky Notes, I would tell people, this is either the biggest mistake of my life……
2013 welcomes the release of my lastest short film, Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam (watch trailer here:……
2012 was definitely a busy year here at Meditating Bunny Studio Inc. We had two independent productions on the go this year. The……
To create my short animated film, Ode to a Post-it Note, it took 3 months from conception to completion. The film from concept to……
This post is all about the technical stuff involved in making my short stop motion hybrid animated film, Ode to a Post-it Note. ……
Creating Ode to a Post-it Note was a really fun journey for me. In essence I was the Post-it Note character on a journey to……
I was once asked how I would describe the reward factor of animation vs the time and effort put into animating? Well, personally……
Hi All We're looking to collaborate with an animator for some up and coming projects.. and was wondering if anyone wanted to get involved!……
Nick Fox Gieg joined Film Annex after following fellow animator Jonathan Ng's recommendation. He set up his Web TV quickly and is……
Ever since I learned how to hold a pencil I haven’t stopped drawing! All my elementary school teachers were convinced……
Every year since 2007, when my film Yellow Sticky Notes was an official selection, I've been attending the Whistler Film Festival.……
Recently, I was asked by a student studying animation at the Centre for Arts and Technology in Kelowna some questions about the animation……
Recently, I was asked some questions by some animation students at Emily Carr University about what makes a good director. Here are……
Charles Pieper, one of our favorite animation filmmakers, visited our studio recently to do an interview. A talented stop motion animator……