Why you Should play Outward [Game Review]

Small game studios has been in the rise for the past couple of years, one man games like Celeste was even among the nominees for The……
Small game studios has been in the rise for the past couple of years, one man games like Celeste was even among the nominees for The……
The Love of Books I'm gonna start this blog to write about what I love most. BOOKS, I just love to read and on this blog I'm going……
Yesss my pretties, here I am with yet another movie review of a not so new movie but a timely one for me. Yesterday I watched Kick……
Are you a fan of fantasy shows? Do you know about this classic American TV show? If you're not a fan then let me tell you more about……
A Short Introduction image credits: pixabay.comI'm living in a world with full of fantasies. I'm living with words of what ifs. This……
Talking about prequels, it is quite clear that Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman is technically what would qualify as a prequel. This gives……
Photo Credit: eGDC Ltd via bitLanders It's been some years since I read any of Terry Goodkind's books, not since I finished Confessor……
Photo Credit: Adventures in Filbar via RPGNow FC1 - Turret of the Frost Giant is a free role playing game supplement published by……
Photo source : ifpa-fitness.com As I was browsing the internet a few minutes ago, I came across this website with its blog……
Photo courtesy of The Ink of Scholars Channel (Youtube.com) "If you were given with any superpower, what would it be and……
Game Of Thrones: Game of Thrones is a fantasy drama.This drama was created by show runners David Benioff and D.B……
Today i am going to tell you about another Web TV Channel "Documentaty". As you can see that Documentaty comes from a Word Documentary.……
As i Introduced All web TV channels In my previous Blog. Now i will Review Each of them one by one So today i Started from……
Game of Thrones is one of the most famous fantasy drama series in the USA and has a large number of viewers all over the world. It……
Vampire Diaries The Vampire Diaries is American best known supernatural series of television .This drama premiered on……
Cosplay: Costume Role Play (Performance Art) Cosplay is a……
Chapter 2 - Kept in the thoughts Martin woke up with the ring of the bell for lunch break while he was sleeping in the class of Algebra.……
Chapter 1 - And it Started Martin! It’s lunch time. I’ve cooked your favorite dish, Fried Potato Cheese”.……
I went with my friend who is doing MS in .He said that i have to make a project to complete my degree requirements so come……
I'm a programmer and yet I currently don't have one. I did back when I was in college but both my laptop and desktop have gone down……
I Am So Into Tink... Tinkerbell that is! It just something about her big head, twig neck, and hour glass shape. Tinkerbell really……
Movie Club finally returns to Oz with the upcoming movie, Oz The Great and Powerful. Sam Raimi directs this long overdue prequel which……
"Fantasy is a genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary plot element, theme, or setting.……
In my previous blog “Follow me around and be cute! - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn” I wrote about minions system in Final……
The English village of Wall lies near a stone wall that is the border with the magical kingdom of Stormhold. A guard is constantly……
Hello Final Fantasy fans! This is final fantasy 15 an upcoming action role-playing video game being developed and published by Square……
Prologue (Poem)When the war of the beasts brings about the world's endThe goddess descends from the skyWings of light and dark spread……
In my previous blog “Follow me around and be cute! - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn” I wrote about minions system in Final……
In my previous blog “Follow me around and be cute! - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn” I wrote about minions system in Final……
Big list of Pc games 1. Hacker Extreme2. Call of Duty 43. The Witcher: Enhanced Edition4. Counter Strike: Source5. Crysis (Sound Bugs)6.……
Dark Air is an action fantasy webtoon. If you still don't know what webtoon is, it is a korean comics specifically made for online……
On Sunday, August 24th, the 2014 Moonwalk League Draft took place at the humble abode of commissioner Rob Jagoe (Owner of The Squirts).……
Bu həftə Bu həftə sonu üçün yağış olunub? əlbəttə ki, yağdı! Bir yağışlı gün nə edə bilər?……
It seems at this point that Marvel can do no wrong when it comes to movies, with every movie it makes a guaranteed hit expanding its……
Əvvəlki blog "ətrafında məni izləyin və cute olun! - Final Fantasy XIV: A səltənətində Reborn, prodüser və rejissor……
In my previous blog “Follow me around and be cute! - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn” I wrote about minions system in……
Siz ev heyvanları xoşunuza gəlirmi? bəli, mən bunu. Həm real həyatda və virtual dünyada. İndi bir neçə……
Non so ballare nella vita reale, ma posso comunque essere una gran ballerina su Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn! Fino ad ora……
Mən real həyatda bütün rəqs edə bilməz, lakin mən Final Fantasy XIV bir rəqqas ola bilər: A Realm Reborn! İndiyə……
I can not dance at all in real life but I can be a dancer in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn! Until now I learned some dances……
Last evening I logged on Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and I saw some players were running around with a new dress which……
Do you like pets? yes, I do. Both in real life and virtual world. I have been playing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn for……
Am I a singer? - - - Nah.. I am a Bard! :) Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is a MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online……
Una fata è un essere mitologico o creatura leggendaria, a volte chiamata anche fay, fae, faery, faerie. In tutta la mia vita……
A fairy is usually considered a type of mythical being or legendary creature, sometimes it is called fay, fae, faery, faerie. I have……
It has been raining for weeks and this weekend? of course it rained ! What can you do in a rainy day? There are many activities……
First of all, you need to know what are RPG, MMORPG, PC and NPC. - RPG: “Role-playing game is a video game genre where……
Siete fan della saga di Final Fantasy? Io sì! Amo i videogiochi e l'intera serie di Final Fantasy è sempre……
Are you a fan of Final Fantasy? I am! I like games and Final Fantasy series are always my favourite :) Final Fantasy XIV: A……
Il mio nuovo fashion film, realizzato per il mio marchio Maá Shoes, è quasi pronto per la premiere internazionale……
Life without an aim is like a ship without any rudder. Those who aim at nothing reach nowhere. A very famous English poet Robert Browning……
Our contemporary "prosperous age" of television episode has mostly been asterisked by an preoccupation with realism. Everything is……
Ray Bradbury was a famous American short story writer known for his science fiction and technological fantasies. I happened to read……
(My Meditating Bunny Studio Inc. table at the 2014 Fan Expo Vancouver) This past weekend, I attended a comic book convention called……
Earlier today, two cool posters featuring Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis were released for promotion of the next Wachowski's film Jupiter……
Il film è uscito ad agosto nelle sale e non avendo ottenuto i risultati sperati era stata inizialmente fermata la produzione……
"La risposta dei fan, dai blog alle centinaia di lettere che abbaiamo ricevuto, è stata abbastanza incoraggiante da spingerci……
Gone are the days when kids were cute, innocent little darlings with a fairy-tale vision of life. Todays……
Another New Year's Eve image from Marvel Studios has been delivered online today for comic fans, but now for Guardians of The Galaxy.……
Hi again to everyone! Today I'll write about the first fictional short film I directed. It took more time than I expected, to finish……
Costumes were something that I was especially keen to get right. I have always had the same opinion on costumes within film;……
To say that I was excited to see the second installment into ‘The Hobbit’ franchise would be a gross understatement. Often……
Check out this 2 character posters for 300: Rise of an Empire, featuring Lena Headey as Queen Gorgo and and Jack O'Conell as Calisto.……
A very clean new poster was released today for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Check it out! In this new chapter, Peter Parker(Andrew Garfield)……
Yes, this is a post-theatrical release poster for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Check it out!The film directed by Peter Jackson……
Actor-director Ben Stiller’s re-telling of THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY benefits from wondrous digital effects and the ability……
Today Paramount Pictures gave us new images to tease a little about what is to come in the upcoming Michael Bay's film Transformers:……
Check out this new image just released for the I, Frankenstein film, starring Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy and Miranda Otto. Frankenstein……
Check out this new images from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, in which we can see the new suit from the title character.The……
So what are you, when you are the lord of nothing? I am currently in the process of writing my new drama film, entitled No One Else.……
Dwayne Johnson has shared today on his twitter account this cool new image from the set of his new film Hercules. The film……
Cheack out this poster for the french film The Beauty and the Beast. Directed by Christophe Gans and starring Vincent……
Check out this new posters from Thor: The Dark World, featuring Lady Sif played by Jamie Alexander and Jane Foster played by Natalie……
I’m sure we have all heard the sex sells expression at least a dozen times in our lives, it’s nothing new but the……
Check out the evil look of Loki, from this new dutch poster from Thor: The Dark World, which changed it's name for The Dark……
We can all agree that the Super Bowl is one of the greatest traditions in America with all of its glitz, glamour, tailgating,……
We have to discuss the recent casting for the greatest trilogy ever made in the world of romance and fantasy, Fifty Shades of……
Hello everyone :) So I've already finished recording "Ethereal" our next single. Of course and as always the video film making was……
Hi everyone :) As I'm new to Film Annex and I am still very much clueless about how it works, just thought of making a post……
The Fountain seems to be a film you either love or hate. When released in 2006, it didn’t do great in terms of gross revenue……
Ok ok, so it’s not technically a film i’m writing about for Film Friday this week, but with the highly anticipated 3rd……
Today was released this brand new poster for Sam Raimi's Oz The Great and Powerful, starring James Franco as the title character.……