Artificial intelligence progress: latest achievements

Image credit: WIRED via YouTube, changed by Vimi "Artificial intelligence progress: latest achievements" is my new C-Blog for the……
Image credit: WIRED via YouTube, changed by Vimi "Artificial intelligence progress: latest achievements" is my new C-Blog for the……
Artificial Intelligence in The Healthcare Sphere - Photo credit: medicine, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders The industry of……
It was really difficult to obtained medical services if you are living in a hill and very secluded area. Whenever they feel pain or……
There is an increasing number of overweight people in the entire world. This is due to different factors such as having a sedentary……
Do you know what the name of this tree is, if indeed you know please specify what the name of this tree is. But in the Acehnese language……
This is funny compilation of different videos from Youtube.
The future of wonders Credit: pelotte via Pixabay Internet, robots, interstellar travel, tablets and smartphones, hoverboards,……
So today has been an okay day. I am still learning here and trying to be very active. So far I am. The weather has been nice here……
3 Different Parameters account for provision of basic healthcare in the society. The Industry,Social Attitudes and Commercialisation……
Maybe you ever just be lounging casually in bed with your hands in your pants like this It seems that science reach new progress in……
Depression DefinitionDepression (major depressive disorder or clinical depression) is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes……
Lose Your Weight With Natural Gifts When we think about to lose our weight so there are a lots of remedies and formulas……
Health Smart Diabetes Awareness If you are diagnosed with a type of two diabetes your doctor will almost certainly tell you……
The thousands of survivors of the Ebolavirus outbreak in western Africa – more than at any other time – are fortunate……
In the late years, there has been a developing interest connected with acupuncture treatment for pets. A key element in Traditional……
( photo : ) I'm a person who's so thrifty in nature, or just because I am a mother now I have to make sure……
Photo credit: Related Post: Is It Possession or Mass Hysteria? Also known as group hysteria, collective hysteria, or……
Bibi Gul, 27, is a housewife with four children. She was born in the Shandon district of Herat province. Herat– When it was……
Here are some of the tips, guide and advice in case of emergency for heat stroke: you These are only first aid tips.……
Here is the natural remedy reference guide that will help in in our health conditions and problems: The above……
If you were asked to imagine an aspect of modern healthcare, there are a number of things you might come up with an operating theatre,……
The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American. Credit: Luis Sarabia/Flickr……
Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera), is a popular plant known for nutritional value as well as a herbal medicine. Malunggay is a plant……
1# Lowers cholesterol: Papayas are rich in fibre, Vitamin C and antioxidants that prevent cholesterol build up in your arteries. Too……
All fats are not created equal Coconut oil contains short term medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs), which is a "healthy"……
1. Aids Digestion and Treats Intestinal Issues: Aloe vera when taken internally aids in digestion and effectively cleanses the digestive……
Prednisone is corticosteroid. It is used as anti-inflammatory medication. It treats different conditions such as asthma, allergic……
Erysipelas What is Erysipelas? This is another kind of skin. Erysipelas is a form of cellulitis but this involved prominent……
Erythrasma What is Erythrasma? The Erythrasma is another kind of chronic skin bacterial infection. This disease is caused by……
The photo above is a jar of turmeric powder or salabat. Other than the turmeric as its main ingredient, it is also consists of many……
Paronychia What is Paronychia Paronychia is commonly associated as nail disease. It involves the folds of the skin surrounding……
Filariasis - Be Eliminated The Filariasis awareness month is being observed in the Philippines during the month of November.……
I'm in the middle of a 12-hour fast before getting my blood drawn again. The last time I had it done a few weeks ago, it was immediately……
Tsuyoshi Takado, a professor of the Graduate School of Medicine of the University of Tokyo, printed a an artificial ear, made of polyactic……
When I decided that I was going to quit my job in May 2011, freelance blogging was the last thing on my mind. As is the case with……
Healthcare delivery in rural areas clearly depends on transport and the vehicles used need to be systematically selected and maintained.……
How Your Boobs Can Affect Your Mood Your boobs are obviously great. Anyone who has taken the time to look down, cop a feel, and appreciate……
Decoding Your Vaginal Discharge Like most women with other things going on in life, you probably don’t give your vaginal……
13 Tips for Being the Envy of EVERYONE at Your High School Reunion Between the Laguna Beach crew's recent 10-year reunion and the……
The Ultimate Metabolism-Boosting Workout For A Flat Belly Work smarter, not harder We asked Michelle Lovitt to create and demonstrate……
3 Tricks To Keep Running No Matter How Much You Want To Stop While fatigue manifests itself in aching muscles, shorter strides, and……
7 Lazy Ways to Lose More Weight This article was written by Victoria Wolk and provided by our partners at Prevention. Losing weight……
5 Hormones That Mess With You Every Month Women’s Health and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists……
How Your Vagina Changes in Your 20s, 30s, and 40s Women’s Health and the American Congress of Obstetricians……
In a new ray of hope for patients in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, researchers have found that lost memories can be restored.……
CLEAN YOUR KIDNEYS: Functions Of Kidney: Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and……
8 Easy Ways to Lose a Pound a Week Lets do the math: To lose one pound in seven days, you need to subtract about 3,500 calories.……
How to Rid Yourself of Belly Pooch Forever This article was written by Jenny Sugar and repurposed with permission from……
Below are nutmegs as you can see. The nutmeg is lodged inside a fruit which is inedible. The net covering is removed……
Thyroid problems affect the thyroid, a gland in the neck that helps control many of your body’s key metabolic processes. Thyroid……
A new study has observed that people who work for more than fifty-hours in a week are like lier to suffer from coronary heart disease.……
A study from the University of California Irvine College of Medicine says that anticipating a good event can help improve one’s……
What's up everyone hope you guys are doing great today, well as of me I'm not feeling good today, I check my body temperature it goes……
Do you find the medicine for cough and cold expensive or you just don't want to spend your money? There are home……
Good Medicine TODAY’S SCRIPTURE“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”(Proverbs……
The root shows four different zones 1. Root cap 2. Region of meristematic activity 3. Region of elongation 4. Region of maturation……
While pregnant, a woman's physical structure can change in lots of many ways, and one unforeseen side-effect is……
Hello guys and friends it was a very hard day today because I suffered to much pain in my head. Head ache is one of the painful part……
1: Take Your Fight-Amins:Your vitamin D levels may run on E in winter. That matters: D can spur your body to fight off colds. In fact,……
Afghanistan is suffering thousand sorrows and pains but nothing has been done as far as the treatment of these pains.……
(NewsUSA) - You may not be able to spell or even pronounce the word "acetaminophen," but almost 50 million Americans use it each……
Today i am going to talk about the nobel prize that was given to discoverer of medicine of brain's internal GPS. STOCKHOLM: Anglo-American……
When you get sick, you go to the doctor. And the doctor will, of course, prescribe medicines. You will go and buy medicines. You take……
Importance of science in everyday life We are a part of the modern age of science and technology. The human life is being affected……
We live in a Islamic society and Islam give importance to the woman in the society and give them honorable and respectable status.……
This is the second part of the story Two Brave Boys. "Come on" a voice come from the room .Tom and Vicky both go inside the room .There……
History can not deny the role of catholic women in curing diseases and providing their services for healing and treatment throughout……
The system of medicine adhered to by medical professionals dates back to ancient Egyptian times who had a knowledge of medicine that……
Primary health care encompasses the role of health care practitioners who deliver their services as the starting point of consultation……
Generally health care refers to managing a medical condition, both physical or mental, by diagnosing, treating and preventing it to……
Sodium hydroxide is a white solid, it is polar in nature and easily dissolved in water to form solution.The solution of sodium hydroxide……
You snooze, you win, according to a Harvard study published few years back in The Archives of Internal Medicine. Researchers revealed……
Sulfuric acid was first prepared by a Muslim scientist in 9th century. They prepared by the distillation of sulfuric acid by using……
In ever part of world there is a definition for each kind of people and different interpretation from different person and……
The important developments of the early modern period, viz. the English Civil War and the French Revolution thoroughly influenced……
Cairo University is one of the oldest universities around the world as , it was established in December 21 , 1908 which means……
When we say that Knowledge is power", we mean that knowledge is the only source of strength in the world. The idea that wealth……
Sabine Kam, Michael Schumacher’s director says that doctors are trying with reduce of anesthetic drugs bring him……
My earth, the only thing that is belongs to me and others too, I was born and will die one day in my earth. My earth has four different……
Time is said to be tyrant_Only week person should give that statment for example we have won many battles against time in field of……
These is a Real Image of the first surgery done using the Google Glass in Brazil Gadgets like Google Glass now could be……
Who is the greatest benefactor to mankind? The men of medicine are the greatest sponsor to humanity. The other branches of science……
It is no secret, that women have struggled to make their mark on a society which is dominated by males. The medical field, being no……
There is always something new going on in medicine. Recently there has been more pressure to look for alternative treatments to prescription……
Is there a better way to monitor patients who are in a coma? There is! According to scientists at MIT there is a system that can……
Everyone in society looks at doctor with a respectable gaze. The profession of doctor is a busy one . Different people in society……
Вчера, 7 октября, Нобелевский комитет назвал имена номинантов и обладателей……
There are three main kinds of health care in Afghanistan. first, there are small clinics and hospitals in all areas and district of……
Sinus infection is a health problem caused by micro organisms that attack the nasal passages which is resulted ……
RITALIN AND ADDERALL HAVE SOME FLAWS AFTER ALL The most commonly prescribed drugs for children and teenagers fighting……
Uses of Ginger in Medical science Ginger use is somehow broad and diverse so that it can be applied from the medical research up to……
I believe that New York is the greatest city on planet Earth and the capital of the World. You can find here anything you want: any……
Since the fall of the Taliban era in Afghanistan, all governmental and non-governmental organizations restarted……
Mary Shelley could not know, while she was writing the tale of Dr. Frankenstein’s monster one night in 1816, that she was seeing……
Iranians are facing a medical crisis amid tightening sanctions from the US and its allies. Iranian pharmacies are running out of life-saving……
In October 2012, we had the pleasure to host Dr. Eugene Braunwald from Harvard Medical School, the Father of Modern Cardiology, at……
Today is December 14,2012 and here is my week recap. (shooting Susan Miller) The week began with a lot of shootings. Monday we……
Last September, we had the pleasure to host Dr. Thomas Starzl, an expert on organ transplant and the Father of Modern Transplantation,……
Today is Friday, November 30, 2012, and I am looking back on my week. Monday, we shot interview with Al Shefsky, president of Pele……
As part of the Conversations with Giants in Medicine video series produced in collaboration with the Journal of Clinical Investigation,……
This morning, we woke up to the exciting news of Dr. Robert J. Lefkowitz winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Lefkowitz visited the……
Dr. Lloyd Hollingsworth Smith, Jr., Chairman of the University of California Department of Medicine for 21 years, visited our……
Expert in Receptor Biology Dr. Robert Lefkowitz joined JCI's Executive Editor Dr. Ushma Neill in our studio for a conversation……
Dr. Harold Varmus, the current Director of the National Cancer Institute, visited our studio for an interview with JCI's Executive……
“ACTA’s defeat in Europe is a welcome blow to the flawed agreement that has failed to address numerous concerns related……
WORLD ELDER ABUSE AWARENESS DAY is being observed for the first time this year, 15 June 2012, as Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called……