NCT Members as Novels Part 1: Taeil and Johnny

I saw lots of Twitter threads that compared K-Pop idols with various things and it inspired me to make one for myself. But since I……
I saw lots of Twitter threads that compared K-Pop idols with various things and it inspired me to make one for myself. But since I……
Image credits: Typewriter by Free-Photos via and It's almost that time of the year again: November, and with……
My Inner Dialogue Image Source: geralt via pixabay Sanity: Why are you writing a Twilight review in 2018? Everyone has……
E.1 Late autumn, 2014. Unknown spot, Northern Siberia. Vast horizons of ice couldn't block the sound of that blast. A metal door fixed……
Would anyone be interested in a SciFi Novel here?
You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was the books that taught……
*Image is credited to Rain Tajon via There are two stories for every life; the one you live……
But all endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time" --The Five People You Meet In heaven by Mitch Albom The line……
Author Gillian Flynn; Image Source: Google Images Video Source: YouTube Good evening everyone! I hope you all are having……
THOUGHTS ON DAVID DYER’S: “THE MIDNIGHT WATCH” The Midnight Watch: A Novel of the Titanic and the Californianby……
I'm really enjoying this book, Its almost like the hunger games. I highly recommend it.
This article is about the TV series. For the novel, see A Game of Thrones. For other works with similar names, see A Game of Thrones……
Child Labour is a crime against humanity. At this juncture I am reminded of a very moving story about one of the world’s greatest……
Chapter 2 - Kept in the thoughts Martin woke up with the ring of the bell for lunch break while he was sleeping in the class of Algebra.……
Chapter 1 - And it Started Martin! It’s lunch time. I’ve cooked your favorite dish, Fried Potato Cheese”.……
History - What Did You Do Yesterday? Today? Image source: "What's history?" Willie asked. Willie's……
Do you enjoy reading a good book? I sure do. Here are some of the most popular books out right now: 1. The Girl……
Stephen Edwin King (born September 21, 1947) is an American author of contemporary horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, science……
Children’s books sometimes deal with sad topics as a way to introduce kids to the inevitable hardships and low points of life.……
History’s greatest novelists include Tolstoy, Kafka, and Proust, and though none of them wrote in English, their books do a……
The previous chapter A Girl To Remember Chapter 3 I awoke in a daze while still in the coffee……
Last night I finished Maze runner trilogy, all three books were awesome you can not put finger on one book to say this is best, This……
A weak young man...A first true love...A beautiful-rich woman obsessed with love...A kind-loving wife...A circle of friends...Chasing……
At the moment now, I'm reading a novel written by Lawrence Block. The title of the novel is A Walk Among the Tombstones. It's been……
So you think fairy tales are just for girls? "You think fairy tales are only for girls? Here’s a hint - ask yourself who……
A little bad action, misfire, roll that fist around - we're supposed to be happy, all we get is fool's errand and a fool's choices……
Since box-office is everything, there is no accounting for taste. 22 JUMP STREET eclipsed A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST at the……
His mirrored right eye- equipped with a sensex- could scan the full electromagnetic spectrum. To the southeast, he had observed……
I'm reading Radix by A.A. Attanasio and enjoying it so far. I've done a thorough perusing of the original list of David……
Reading is a very good habit. Its pleasures cannot be described at length in a limited time. An uneducated……
On reading the novel things fall apart by Chinua, I really felt unhappy and sad especially about the character of Okonkwo, that is……
Secondo Fandango il distopico film d'azione e avventura "Divergent" è pronto a troneggiare al botteghino nel weekend! Il……
Thinking about dystopia, the first name that comes to our mind is probably "1984" by George Orwell. However, even though it is……
Fandango is saying, the dystopian action-adventure, "Divergent," is poised to top the weekend box-office! The nation's leading……
2013 was the year that saw F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel, “The Great Gatsby”, brought into cinema once again.……
I am not a book critics and don’t know how to write about a book but I am a good reader and craved for books I have never thought……
Is a new ideia I had for an animated Sci-Fi Film that I want to make as a Graphic Film Novel. I want to use my programming games skills……
Seventh son is an upcoming 2014 Bollywood movie that is a fantasy film and based on a novel named The Spook's Apprentice(titled……
After Keira Knightley and Kevin Costner posters, Paramount Pictures released today a poster featuring Kenneth Branagh's character……
Today was released the first image for the upcoming film from David Fincher, GONE GIRL, based on the novel by Gillian Flyn, starring……
Ever since the Edward Snowden, NSA revelations, and the rise in popularity of drones and Google glasses we have all become more……
Ladies and... ladies, Jamie Dornan has officially replaced Charlie Hunnam as Christian Grey in the film adaptation of……
Have you heard of Anna Wintour? No? Well, have you seen the popular romantic comedy, The Devil Wears Prada? Yes? Well……
Gene Geter’s The Dancer Mimi is a true inspiration. This incredible work of literature delves into a world filled with entertainment,……
Build Relationships Talking about relationships means relationship between Protagonist and other characters. Also Auxiliary……
Characters need to be believable and Interesting, you should figure out your characters characteristics : what do they……
The greatest book available for any pick-up artist or beginner, has to be The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick-up Artists……
Story is the things that happen in a novel. In addition you need a good skeleton for “ The Plot “, Plot is……
Stages of Story and Hero Ordinary World : beginning point of the story Call to Adventure : Something happens that……
Start Writing ! How to write ? There are two broad categories of the novelist : planner and Drivers-In, Planners ……
What you need to be able to write ? Be Honest With Yourself In order to write a novel, you have to know……
If you’re ever in the mood to read a very emotional book that will keep you alert and attentive, then you must have read……
When you hear the words classical literature what usually pops into your head? Shakespeare’s Macbeth or Romeo and Juliet? Catcher……
Tom Hanks, and perhaps his infamous hair, will return as Robert Langdon in Dan Brown's latest novel "Inferno." Hanks has played……
This picture speaks volumes! Thanks to, we have our first look at Tom Hanks as Walt Disney and Emma Thompson as author P.L.……
MTV has debuted this final poster for Screen Gems' The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones……
A new poster for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire was released from its instagram account. Katniss Everdeen has returned……
It’s dazzling, it’s roaring, “The Great Gatsby” is finally here. It’s a story of man with an extraordinary……
Afghan citadel Software Company and Film Annex are starting IT training courses for school which under cover of these companies. These……
So Angelina Jolie, fresh from directing "In the Land of Blood and Honey," is attached to helm the Laura Hillenbrand 2010 biography……