Poetry by Allama Muhammad Iqbal

IQBAL teri qoum ka IQBAL kho gaya. Mazi to sunehra hai magar Haal kho gaya. Wo Roub-o-Dabdaba wo jalal kho gaya. Wo Husn Be-Misal……
IQBAL teri qoum ka IQBAL kho gaya. Mazi to sunehra hai magar Haal kho gaya. Wo Roub-o-Dabdaba wo jalal kho gaya. Wo Husn Be-Misal……
Full name Abraham Benjamin de Villiers Born February 17, 1984, Pretoria Current age 31 years 254 days Major teams South Africa, Africa……
“Okay, you have the controls. Recover!” called my instructor on the intercom radio. The attitude indicator showed all……
Does anybody remember why Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) the titular Hobbit set off with a band of dwarves and a wizard named Gandalf……
Me Amar registered on Film Annex on 23rd January, 2014. And I'm using Film Annex from February up to now. I have written……
Dear users, Today I'll tell you the importance of Film annex through this blog and I'm sure you'll like it because the blog is about……
Today I am going to talk about favourite personality that I hope everyone know about this personality. Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal was……
Film annex is a social media that provides online job for its users. The president and also the founder of this media is Sir Francesco……
Potassium and Human Health Potassium is……
ROLE OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM IN HUMAN BODY Calcium and magnesium are most……
This is the third part of my blog . In my previous blog i have told the story of farmer which is deprived of wisdom and luck is with……
Medical experts say why people are taking interest in taking these vitamin supplements? According to new……
A person born at SIALKOT,between 1870 and 1880 becoming harbinger of Islamic renaissance. A Muslim educated in LAHORE and CAMBRIDGE becoming……
At the time of writing, Arsenal has just won the Football Association Cup grasping victory 3 goals to 2 in extra time against a dogged……
So long we have been describing an enlightened press in a highly democratic country like England, United State and European Union.……
The press should realize its responsibilities. “But mightiest of the might means, On which the arm of progress……
Patriotism, which means literally the love of fatherland; is a noble sentiment and a national virtue. It is born with our birth and……
Sir syed Ahmad khan is an legend personality. He was an expert in field of education and he was an excellent politician. He was like……
“The wisest man is generally he who thinks himself the least so” say Boileau. Indeed wisdom and humility go together.……
There had been little development in science during the long span of middle ages (c.500 to 1350 AD) as the Catholic papacy had staunchly……
In May 2013, there came sunset of the Sir Alex Ferguson reign, the favorite son of the club. The honorary and accepted as the best……
Afghanistan is located in the north of the KPK province of Pakistan. It shares border with Pakistan and encompasses a land of approx.……
Origin of Language Zaban is a word of Persian origin. In Arabic the word Lisan is used.Whereas in English it is called language. the……
Sir Ken Robinson is one of those rare individuals who is gifted with the ability articulate his thoughts in a fashion that is accessible in……
The need of reawakening of the Muslims was felt by the Muslims rulers and reformers. Shah Waliullah was the first one who tried to……
World highest mountain is mountain Everest. It is situated in the mountain of Himalaya near china and Tibet. In 1852 it was……
It’s in the nature of a human to love its birth place and adore it and so do I. Abbottabad city of beauty is situated in the……
One day, it was a cloudy weather, the shop of weapons (armory) was opened and old man having whitish beard was sitting in the shop.……
I’m starting to get a little jaded about these Marvel superhero movies. They are following something akin to a formula. Their……
Manchester United is a football club currently participating in English Premier League founded in 1878. Manchester United is one of……
Call me an old fuddy duddy but I never wanted to go to Comic Con. All those movie fans in costumes – it’s not for me.……
Johann Sebastian Bach is not such a saintly man as many of the world's conductors praise him to be. Instead, biographers have……
Bryan Singer just Tweeted a photo of himself with a full size Sentinel from the upcoming "X-Men: Days of Future Past" movie. ……
‘A famous guy once said, ‘we create our own demons’’. So says Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) in the opening……
“There can be no freedom from hunger – there can be no food security – without the active participation of all sectors……
... or at least, can UN borrow "intelligence" capacities of others? The UN does try to anticipate both crisis, threats to international……
Muhammad died in 632 A.D. as the result of eating poisoned lamb. Sir Isaac Newton died in 1727 C.E. probably from a kidney……