Memorial Day

Hey everyone, How are you? I hope all of you are great and today i'm typing about a blog Memorial Day . You all guys……
Hey everyone, How are you? I hope all of you are great and today i'm typing about a blog Memorial Day . You all guys……
Its an #Awesome #Impossible #Hard #Battlefield 4 #Propaganda Map #Tactical #Fun #Gameplay ! ;)Must See One on One Battlefield……
See the Video for BATTLEFIELD 4 Going to Colonel Marine Boat Attack Tempest #Gameplay with coll musics and funny action at Gabcibertech……
(Finnish) Soldiers of Odin comics. "Katupartio" means street patrol. SoD patrols streets monitoring refugees. Odin is Viking god.……
This video are few compilation of those home coming event. If you have a family, relatives or friends who are working on government……
A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly. The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and……
The physical training instructor was drilling a platoon of soldiers."I want every man to lie on his back, put his legs in the……
Officer: Soldier, do you have change for a dollar? Soldier: Sure, buddy Officer: That's no way to address an officer! Now let's……
Welcome Back !I am here to make another review!Today the game is: SAS 3 Zombie Assault! Let's start: SAS 3 Zombie Assault has been……
Nothing is permanent in this world, not even our troubles. . . . ! The most wasted day in life is the day in which we have not……
Knows the army of your Lord'. There are armed soldiers in soul.Their real nature is not known and nobody knows their numberexcept……
This word contains 3 alphabets, but the fact is that this word can change the shape of the whole world! It can bring in hate into……
In this blog, I am telling the story of Birkenhead, a troopship in the times of 1851. The Birkenhead by taking some young soldiers……
Last night, we friends were together and had a party. We had been talking about different issues related to this world at the moment……
People give gifts for weddings for different ways. Usually people wants to be help the bride and the groom. Many people in other country……
Everybody may have an ambition. An ambition gives meaning and purpose to life. What is life without ambition? A life without ambition……
Costumes were something that I was especially keen to get right. I have always had the same opinion on costumes within film;……
On November 6 at the Theater at Madison Square Garden, the New York Comedy Festival and the Bob Woodruff Foundation brought together……
Pakistan is a front line against terrorism. Pakistan play very important role against terrorism. In last 10 to 12 years Pakistan has……
Let’s go back in time to when we were all a little bit younger, I’m sure all of us had this dream of “when I grow……
I recently came across an article on the National Geographic website responding to this exact question as images of camel spiders……
Music plays and played a very important role in the lives of American patriots throughout history. We all know our national……
I just finished animating the second stanza, of this song, even though I had to stay at the studio until 1AM last night to make it……
Drone invasion is Orwell’s inauguration Choose: man or machine? This question sparks very interesting debates within a variety……
I'm not sure if it was the current U.S. debate over gun laws after the Colorado shooting or my own stance on the 2nd Amendment……
In 2010, just a few months before he deployed to Afghanistan as part of the troop surge there, my husband attended a training session……
Calling All War Veterans: G.I.V.E. is Just for You The Afghan war has ended and the U.S. soldiers have returned to American soil.……